Dismantling Racism
IGNITE: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Concentrated Investment in Black Neighborhoods to Address Structural Racism as a Fundamental Cause of Poor Health
This trial tests a suite of environmental and economic interventions to determine the impact of concentrated investment on health, wellbeing, and safety for residents of Black neighborhoods.
Lift Every Voice
Experiences of racism, bias, and discrimination in the workplace are common for Black and other minoritized individuals, and yet there are few mechanisms through which staff can report these experiences. Lift Every Voice a low-friction, anonymous digital platform to actively collect and intervene on experiences of racism in the healthcare workplace.
A Patient-Centered Approach to Identify, Explore and Address Experiences of Racism in the Emergency Department
While racial disparities in health and healthcare are well described, less is known about how to identify and intervene on patient experiences of racism within health systems.
Lauren N. West-Livingston, Eugenia C. South MD, Sanché Mabins, Adaira Landry . When Screens become Mirrors: Black Women in Medicine Find Belonging through Social Media. AEM Education and Training. Sept 2021.
Kathleen C. Lee, Nida Al-Ramahi, Lauren Hahn, Terrilynn Donnell, Lillian J. Schonewolf, Neda Khan, Christina J O'Malley, Utsha G. Khatri, Ellen Pearlman, Mohan Balachandran, D. Asch, W. L. Herndon, C. Mallozzi, J. Green-McKenzie, N. Kasbekar, Christopher Cullom, Sharon Carney, R. Shaw, Patricia Sullivan, Phil Okala, Patrick J. Brennan, Eugenia C. South. Operationalizing Equity: A Rapid-Cycle Innovation Approach to Covid-19 Vaccination in Black Neighborhoods. NEJM Catalyst. Apr 2021.
Rotonya M. Carr, Meghan B. Lane-Fall, Eugenia South, Donita Brady, Florence Momplaisir, Carmen E. Guerra, Diana Montoya-Williams, George Dalembert, Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, Roy Hamilton. Academic careers and the COVID-19 pandemic: Reversing the tide. Sci Transl Med 13(584). Mar 2021.
Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, Eugenia C. South, Heather H. Burris. Lethality of racism for Black children in the USA: a primer. Arch Dis Child. Jan 2021.
Utsha G. Khatri, Lia N. Pizzicato, Kendra Viner, Emily Bobyock, Monica Sun, Zachary F. Meisel, Eugenia C. South. Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Unintentional Fatal and Nonfatal Emergency Medical Services-Attended Opioid Overdoses During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Philadelphia. JAMA Network Open. Jan 2021.