Deeply Rooted
Deeply Rooted is a community-academic collaborative that uses the healing power of nature to promote health and wellbeing in Black and other minority Philadelphia neighborhoods. Nature — including trees and parks — makes us healthier, lowers gun violence, betters heart health, improves birth outcomes, and reduces stress and anxiety. Nature helps us feel more connected to one another.
In partnership with community groups and leaders, Deeply Rooted will:
Empower communities to create new greenspace including planting trees, greening vacant lots, and building mini-parks.
Provide grants to community organizations and residents to support leaders as they come together to care for, celebrate in, and appreciate nature.
Support nature related educational, career and leadership development opportunities for youth and other community members.
Advocate for policies and neighborhood investments that promote environmental justice.
Deeply Rooted is a joint effort between Penn Medicine and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia led by the Penn Urban Health Lab.
Community partners: Deeply Rooted Community Partners
Greening intervention partner: Pennsylvania Horticultural Society